Your Virtual Session
The invitation to join our Zoom meeting is below.
Individual Clients
Please wait in the waiting room until I let you in as I will be finishing up with a previous client.
Group Session Participants
For those of you who can gather earlier and would like to test things out, I will open up the zoom meeting ten minutes in advance. With that in mind, if you need my number to reach me, it is: 202.599.1495. However, I will not be answering any texts or calls once we begin class.
Tips for your virtual practice
We get to be together in a virtual space to create a healing environment, something we ALL want to be a part of, so with that in mind, I wanted to share a few tips for creating that space for your practice. A lot of our participants have been with me before and they have mentioned a few things that work when we are together, so I am hoping to help you replicate that at your home.
While we are practicing it is helpful to silence phones and notifications of any kind, and maybe try and close those open browsers that might be a distraction to you.
If for some reason you need to leave to tend to family, or another situation, no worries, just end the meeting on your end. However, if you think you will be able to rejoin us, just turn off the video, then turn it back on when you return. In addition, everyone will want to mute once we have started.
Music is often part of our practice, so I am providing you with my Qigong Spotify PlayList here, however, if you don't have spotify, I have found a lot of Youtube links with nature sounds which you can play during your practice and they are long enough so that you can continue to play it for the rest of the day. Also, you may need to start your music on another device while the zoom video conference is underway.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: qigong
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Passcode: 460973
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